Alcool industriel 95° - 250 ml

Alcool industriel 95° - 250 ml View larger

Alcool industriel 95° - 250 ml


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As a thinner for creating clear colours, bleach or to create colour effects on silk, the industrial alcohol H Dupont is really an indispensable material in silk painting.

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This rectified ethyl alcohol is used pure or diluted in silk paint.

It can be mixed with the H Dupont Classiques, Alter Ego, Feathers & Flowers colours if you add the same amount of water. The 95 ° alcohol makes it possible to create lighter colours, even gradient effects on the silk.

For example, if you have painted out of the gutta or if you are mistaken with the colour, apply the alcohol to discolour or soften the colours immediately. This will help you to correct the small mistake more easily. Correct immediately, as soon as you notice the error and especially before steaming! If you need to correct a steamfixed silk, use H Dupont Pure Decolourant.

Applying alcohol drop-wise on painted silk creates "bubbles"!

How to use the H Dupont industrial alcohol?

Dilute 50% alcohol with water before mixing with your colours.

To discolour, attenuate the colours or even to create a gradient, use it pure on the non-fixed painted silk. Before steaming, the alcohol will disperse the colour.

Also use alcohol as a cleanser for your work plan!

Why buy H Dupont industrial alcohol 95 °?

  • As a thinner for Classic, Alter Ego, Feathers & Flowers dyes

  • Alcohol is an excellent diluent to create effects on silk

  • Rectify small spills or small mistakes quickly

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Alcool industriel 95° - 250 ml

Alcool industriel 95° - 250 ml

As a thinner for creating clear colours, bleach or to create colour effects on silk, the industrial alcohol H Dupont is really an indispensable material in silk painting.
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